Pornography Causes Damage to The Brain

Exposure to pornographic materials continuously can lead to addiction (addiction) that ultimately result in reduced brain tissue and impaired function.
In a seminar on the impact of pornography on brain damage in Jakarta, neurosurgeon from the Hospital San Antonio, United States, Donald L. Hilton Jr., MD says that addiction resulted in the front center of the brain called the ventral tegmental area (VTA) is physically smaller.
Shrinkage of brain tissue that produce dopamine (the pleasure chemical triggers) that, according to him, causing chaos neurotransmitters work the brain chemical that serves as the sender of the message.
"Pornography cause constant changes in neorotransmiter and weakens the control function. This is what makes the people who are addicted can not control his behavior," said Hilton as well as adding a pornography addiction also cause memory impairment.
Under these conditions, he explains, does not happen quickly in a short time but through several stages of addiction are characterized by impulsive actions, escalating addiction, desensitization and eventually decrease the behavior.
"Pornography can destroy brain cells, resulting in behavior and intelligence capabilities will experience a disruption," added the Head of Maintenance, Enhancement and Management of Health Intelligence H. Jofizal Jannis.
He explained that the decline in intelligence is directly and indirectly will reduce productivity and lower human development index.
According to Hilton, brain damage caused by addiction to pornography is the most severe, more severe than addiction to cocaine.
Nevertheless, he said, there is now hope that brain damage can be restored to near normal with a variety of healing methods.
Therapies that can be used to restore the brain damage caused by addiction, according to him, among other personal motivation to spur the spirit of the patient in order to break away from addiction, and the creation of a safe environment for addicts to drastically reduce access to pornography.
Besides, he added, forming support groups with counselors and therapists as well as an increase in spirituality therapy is also very significant impact in the recovery effort."Research shows the spirituality of any religion, will accelerate the recovery process," he said
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